Hi to our awesome fans! We have a couple announcements this month that we’d like to share with you.
First off, we have officially started our Restoration process. So far in the process, we were able to replace some of our equipment that was stolen in our recent break-in. We are determined to rebuild the company, but it will take some time to do that. Because of this, it may be a while before our iOS game, Dogs of Combat (download it here), gets another update on the App Store.
Our other big announcement is Dogs of Combat has made it past Phase One of Boston FIG’s curation process. If the game makes it past Phase Two, we will be a Boston FIG exhibitor, something we haven’t done since 2013. It will also be a huge sign of redemption for us since Dogs of Combat didn’t get in last year and we had to go as a sponsor.
These are our announcements for the month of June, and we will definitely be posting more updates in the future. We thank you for reading this important update, and have a great summer!
Jake Bayer
Founder and President of Closed Umbrella Games