Update on Dogs of Combat! Please read!

Hi to our fans! We have some unfortunate news about our upcoming iOS game, Dogs of Combat.  Due to issues during the submission process, we are unable to release the game in its intended March 2016 release.  We apologize for any inconvenience to not just our players, but also to the people who supported the project.

Although we can’t release Dogs of Combat this month, that does not mean we can’t release it at all.  We will do everything in our power to release the game in April before Connecticut FIG.

Another announcement we have is we have been updating our Privacy Policy.  Please note that we will be making multiple revisions of the document to ensure that our players feel safe and secure in our games.

We thank our players and supporters who continue to keep up with us all this way.  You’ve been super awesome! Thanks for reading this post, and we’ll see you in April!

Jake Bayer

Founder and President of Closed Umbrella Games

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